What is Cyber Security Jobs – Definition and Career Roles

Information security analyst jobs are expected to increase by 32% from 2022 to 2032,1 adding many new roles. The typical yearly wage for these experts is about $112,000.1 The field…

What is Cyber Security? Digitechnoolabs.xyz Explains

By 2025, the annual global cost of cybercrime is predicted to hit $10.5 trillion. This huge number shows how important cyber security really is today.1 Cyber security, or information technology…

What Do You Do in Cyber Security? Roles & Responsibilities

Right now, there are over 500,000 open jobs in the U.S. cyber security sector, says *CyberSeek* data. This shows a big need for experts in this field.1 Our lives, both…

What is SIEM in Cyber Security? A Complete Guide

In 2005, Gartner came up with the term “SIEM.” It combined Security Information Management (SIM) with Security Event Management (SEM) technologies.1 Today, SIEM stands for Security Information and Event Management.…

What Do Cyber Security Analysts Do: A Comprehensive Guide

Did you know a cybersecurity analyst’s average salary is $102,600 yearly? This data is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s a well-paying job that is booming, with a 31%…

Why is Cyber Security Important – Protect Your Data

In October 2023, world data breaches hit over 600 million records.1 Human error was behind 90% of these breaches in 2019. The cost of cybercrime for groups jumped by $1.4…

What Is Tailgating in Cyber Security? A Security Risk

Many employees moving in and out of company buildings put them at risk for tailgating attacks. This finding comes from a recent study.1 Tailgating involves someone getting into a secure…

What is PII in Cyber Security? Protecting Sensitive Data

Did you know that by using a mix of gender, ZIP code, and date of birth, 87% of Americans can be distinguished? This highlights the need to safeguard Personally Identifiable…

What is Phishing in Cyber Security? Explained Simply

Every day, about 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent around the world.1 Phishing attacks started in the 1990s and have only gotten more advanced since.1 The goal of phishing is…

How to Get Into Cyber Security: A Comprehensive Guide

Almost half of American adults have had their personal data exposed by cybercriminals, says the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).1 As cyber attacks become more common, there’s a growing…